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Handyman Tells How To Remove One Way Screws


one way screwIf you've ever wanted to replace a security door or gate, you know that the major roadblock are the one-way screws. They are not meant to be removed and therefore don't have the complete slot in the screw head. The slot in the screw head is cut in such a way as to only allow tightening of the screw, not loosening of it. So if you want to remove this type of screw or bolt, how would a handyman do it?

There are special tools you can buy specifically for this purpose or you can manipulate the screw head to reverse it. The tool you can buy chucks in your drill and you slowly back the screw out.

If you don't want to buy the tool, you can use any one of these methods...try holding 2 hacksaw blades together and cut a new slot in the screw head. This will allow you to get a standard screwdriver in the slot and allow you to unscrew it (a grinder would also work well here). You can also use the grinder to clean up the existing slot so that you cut a shoulder in the head to unscrew it. Or, use the grinder to cut a new slot perpendicular to the existing slot.

Finally, you can use the grinder or a file and cut the sides off of the screw head so that the 2 sides are parallel. This will allow you to use a wrench and unscrew it like the head of a bolt.


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