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Handyman Hint To Seal Air Duct Leaks


duct leakAs warm weather approaches and the air conditioners invariably get turned on, it's time to have the handyman head into the attic to stop any air leaks. I see this a lot in the summer when working in the attic...it will be 30-degrees cooler in the attic than it should be due to a leak that puts cool air into the attic rather than in the living space.

Venture to where your unit is (it may not be in the attic) and turn it on. You will be feeling for cooler air escaping and listening for a hissing or blowing sound. Pay particular attention to areas of transition. Think of your air conditioning system like the human body. Just at the heart pumps blood into larger arteries that branch off into smaller veins and finally capillaries, so does your air conditioner pump cool air into large ducts which finally branch off into smaller ducts going into each room. It is at these transition areas, where the size of the duct changes, that you should focus on. Also pay attention to where the plenum transitions into the ductwork.

When you find an air leak, you can use metal tape (aka foil tape) or a duct sealant. I like the foil tape as it is very sticky and easy to use. Seal any leak that you find by covering the leak with tape or sealant (with the tape you can use the air conditioner immediately). Tape over the leak and push down all edges of the tape.



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