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Handyman Hint To Cut A Copper Pipe


pipe cutterAt some point in your life, you will likely have a leak on a copper pipe. Should you choose to repair it yourself or hire a handyman, you may need to actually cut a copper pipe. Don't break out the hacksaw just yet though.

When you need to cut a copper pipe the cut should be square, smooth, and free of burrs. A hacksaw just won't provide this. The copper pipe will mate with a fitting that is very snug, and the more surface area contact between the pieces the better. A non-square cut will minimize this, and burrs on the end of the pipe may not allow it to seat fully into the fitting.

A pipe cutter is the ideal tool to use. This tool grips the pipe between rollers on one side and a cutting wheel on the other. Once you grip the pipe, simply rotate the tool around the pipe to score it. Tighten the cutting wheel and rotate the tool again. Continue doing this until the tool has cut through the pipe, which will be less than a minute. Once the pipe has been cut, the tool has a reaming attachment to get rid of any burrs. You will then be ready to solder copper pipe.



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