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Repair Damaged Cable for Landscape Lights


landscape light fixtureA cable for your landscape lights supplies the power to illuminate the individual fixtures. When this cable gets severed or otherwise damaged, the lights obviously won’t work because there is no power getting to them. You can certainly run a new line of cable, but it is easier and cheaper to splice the severed pieces.

You can buy a cable splice at any home center and it takes only a few minutes to repair. The splice is a hard plastic with grooves for the cable and sharp teeth that penetrate the cable and touch the electrical wires inside the cable.  The two halves of the splice clamp down and grip the cable so that there won’t be any movement.

Open the two halves of the splice and lay each side of the severed cable into the appropriate side (you may want to cut away any ripped or torn insulation from the wires so you have a smooth cut). Push the top of the splice down upon the bottom. You will feel some slight resistance as the teeth push into the cable. Tighten the screws that hold the two halves together and then go manually turn on the transformer. Your light fixtures should light up.


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