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Poor Water Plumbing Pressure in Bathroom


plumbing pressure resized 600I frequently get calls that there is poor water plumbing pressure in a bathroom, or another specific area of the house. Most homeowners believe that there must be a blockage in a water line, but in my experience, it is a matter of several causes occurring simultaneously.

The key here is to isolate the problem. Is the pressure isolated to a particular fixture or the all the fixtures in the room? Is the problem just with the hot or cold, or is it both? What I find is that the house will have a single handle shower valve (that controls both the hot and cold water) and this can be attributed to a shower cartridge. By the way, a Moen positemp cartridge commonly fails to the hot side, so if you are experiencing low or no hot water in the shower, replace the cartridge and that should fix it.

For the sink faucet, the problem is usually with the aerator at the end of the faucet. This will affect both the hot and cold pressure (actually water volume) so that either will come out poorly. The aerator will get clogged with debris and scale and will need to be cleaned out. They just unscrew from the end of the faucet. There certainly may be bigger problems, but these are typical of what I see.



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