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How To Tighten A Toilet Paper Holder


toilet paper holderA loose toilet paper holder can be frustrating. If one of the arms becomes loose, the roller won’t stay in place and the paper roll will fall. You can tell when this happens because often someone will just jam the paper roll onto the end of one of the arms.

If you look at the very bottom of each of the arms, you will see a small hole. Inside this hole is a setscrew. The setscrews have a point on the end of them that pushes behind a mounting bracket. As the screw tip works behind the bracket, the force pulls the arm toward the wall and holds it. So by tightening this screw, it will hold the arm tighter to the bracket.

However, if the bracket is loose, you will never get the arm tight. For this you can back the setscrew out to access the bracket. You can try to tighten the bracket, but you may need to add larger screw or wall anchor.

Once you have the bracket tight, you can place the arm over the bracket and re-tighten it. Then just put the paper roll back on.



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