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How To Remove A Door Knob


door knobWe aren’t talking about rocket science here, removing a door knob is easy and should take you under five minutes.

A door knob is held in place with screws on the interior. If you are lucky, the screws will be in plain view around the handle. Some door knobs have a decorative cover over the screws that you will need to pop off. You will probably see a small opening in the cover and you can pop it off with a small screwdriver.

Once the cover is removed you will see the two screws. Remove the screws and both sides of the knob will pull away from the door. All that will be left will be the latch mechanism. It takes two screws to remove this as well.

Look at the edge of the door where the latch juts out from the door. There will be screws here that hold the latch to the door. Unscrew these screws and the latch mechanism will pull out of the door.

If you are going to install a new door knob, the process is simply reversed. Install the latch mechanism first and then the two door knob halves. Check the backset of the latch to make sure it will fit the door. Many latches have adjustable backsets to accommodate different distances.


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