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Handyman Tells How To Remove Tub And Shower Doors


tub enclosureA handyman installs shower doors, and a handyman removes them. In many cases, removing a shower door is the result of a shower or bathtub remodel. Removing the doors is one of the first steps.

Depending on what type of enclosure you have, whether it’s a full length shower enclosure or an enclosure that sits on top of a bathtub, you may have screws to remove. A typical tub enclosure will not have screws to remove as the weight of the doors keeps all of the parts in place. For these, remove the sliding doors first. You will have to lift up on the doors, tilt them and swing them out. Once the doors are gone, the top rail will lift off. You may have to cut through some caulking first to free the parts that touch the wall. With the top rail removed, you can remove the screws that hold the side rails to the wall. These are usually held in place with wall anchors. Again, you will have to cut through the caulking. The bottom track is removed in much the same way. Cut the caulking and lift it up.

Shower enclosures with swinging doors use screws where the frame meets. The door is the most dangerous part when removing it because is moves. Give support to the door as you unscrew the hinge screws and remove it. Removing the shower enclosure is a pretty common sense job. This will involve removing screws and cutting through caulking.



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