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Handyman Tells How To Resecure Laminate Edging


handyman laminateA common handyman job deals with laminate countertops. It doesn’t matter if it is from the kitchen or bathroom counter, if it has laminate edging, the repair can be completed using the same steps.

Laminate is held in place using adhesive. If you are installing a molded laminate countertop (meaning that you have a rounded edge that is laminated), typically the manufacturer will leave the edge bare wood and you will have to adhere the laminate edge onto it. This is done using a regular clothes iron. You heat up the iron and apply it to the laminate. This in turn activates the adhesive.

If you are installing a new strip of laminate edging, you will need to apply contact cement to each surface (no iron required). Typically, you cut the edging slightly larger that the surface. Apply 2 coats of contact cement to each surface. Let each coat dry somewhat before applying the next coat. After each coat has dried, the surface should be somewhat tacky.

You want to make sure you line up the laminate and the countertop before touching them. Once the two tacky surfaces touch, they stick and they stick VERY well. You can trim the laminate with a router and a laminate bit and then use a file to smooth it out for a finished look.



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