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Handyman: Use Quarter-Round To Cover Wood Floor Perimeter


quarter roundIf you are installing a wood floor you can ask any handyman, you will need to make a few decisions before you start. One decision is how you finish the floor as you approach the walls. In many cases, installers will leave the baseboard on the wall, install the floor, and then cover the gaps with quarter-round molding. This is totally acceptable and is very common. The other method is to remove the baseboard, install the floor and then reinstall the baseboard over the top of the new floor. I personally like this look better, but be forewarned, the job can grow…down the hall and into other areas of the house.

For speed, quarter round is the way to go. It is inexpensive and you can buy it in the same finish as the floor. Cut the mitered corners with a miter saw and use a nailing gun to secure the quarter-round to the baseboard. Start with the most conspicuous outside corner and do that corner first, then work your way around the room. If your room doesn’t have any outside corners, you can start wherever you would like, but make the conspicuous corners look perfect by closing any gaps. You can do this by adjusting the miter saw a few degrees to close the gaps.



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