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Cutting Baseboard Angles With A Protractor


baseboard protractorEvery once in a while you will have baseboard cuts that won’t make sense. The inside corners are where I see this most. Maybe the drywall didn’t come together as the installer thought. The angle won’t be anything traditional, so you have to get a little creative.

I have found a protractor to be a good tool in this situation. You could certainly get the angle close by eye and then caulk any mistakes, but that may not look very nice. You may also use a couple of scrap pieces of baseboard and try to get the angle close, but a protractor will tell you what the angle is. All you have to do is create the angle on paper.

This is easy. Use two pieces of notebook paper and lay one piece along one wall and lay the other piece of paper along the other wall. Push both pieces of paper into the corner until they overlap at the corner. It’s easy to imagine if the paper represents your baseboard. Once the corner is covered by the two pieces of paper, tape the papers together and then pull them out of the corner. Now lay the protractor down on the papers to tell you the angle of the corner. Whatever the angle is, divide that number by two and you have your miter saw setting. Cut each piece of baseboard to this angle and your corner should be perfectly mitered.



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