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Handyman Hint To Installing A Curtain Rod


handyman curtainInstalling a curtain rod is easy, at least for a handyman. If you are moving into a new house you deserve some privacy. Curtains and window coverings are a must. Curtains seem to have taken a back seat to blinds and shutters, but they are still used to hang accents around windows.

Homeowners sometimes get frustrated when installing a curtain rod because they can’t get the screws to penetrate the drywall right above the window. The trick here is to raise the curtain rod up a few inches and then install it. There is metal cornerbead around the perimeter of the window that will make it difficult to drive a nail through. You can do it, but will have to pre-drill a hole to get it through.

It’s easier to just raise the curtain rod a little bit and screw right into the wood frame and studs. By the way, I never use the screws that come with the kit. I use course threaded drywall screws as they go in fast and have plenty of bite. Measure the distances and make sure the wall mounts are level. The last thing you want to do is remove the mounts and reinstall them, which may expose the screw holes.



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