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Handyman Tip To Remove Corroded Washing Machine Hoses


handyman washing hoseThe time will come when you have to replace your washing machine hoses. A handyman can help or you can buy a few specialized tool and do it yourself. Whatever the reason you are removing the hoses, be it moving, replacing the appliances, or upgrading the hoses, I would certainly use the no-burst stainless steel braided hoses (these typically carry a 10 year warranty).

The challenge can be removing the old corroded hoses off of the hose bibs that they screw attach to. These hoses screw onto the threaded ends of the hose bib but can be a bear to get off once they become corroded. The ends of the hoses are metal and so you can get a little rough with them, but be careful not to damage the hose bib in the process or you may be replacing it as well.

You can use a couple of large wrenches and, while holding the hose bib so it won’t move, try to loosen the hose coupling off of it. If this doesn’t work, you can try to score the coupling and peel it off of the hose bib.

Use a small cutting wheel, like what you would find in a Dremel tool, and cut through the top of the coupling. Then score the outside of the coupling along the entire height of the coupling. The trick here is to cut deep enough to cut through the coupling without damaging the threads of the hose bib underneath the coupling. Use large channel locks or water pump pliers and pull the coupling apart at the score line. Once you have part of the coupling away from the hose bib threads, you can pull the other side of the coupling off and remove the hose.



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