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Handyman Tells Easy Way To Cut Off Padlock


handyman padlockAs a handyman, I’ve cut off many locks. In many cases, a new homeowner just moves into a house and wants an unknown lock removed. Maybe its on a gate or a shed. Whether a keyed padlock or a combination, you are going to have to cut through the shank.

Sure, you could use bolt cutters, but you may have to rent large ones and squeeze like there’s no tomorrow. I’ve also heard of people trying to cut off padlocks with a reciprocating saw. I’m sure that would work, but would take a considerable amount of time.

Smaller diameter lock shanks won’t be the problem. It’s the big fat lock shanks that will have the sweat beading off of your head. The smaller lock shanks can easily be cut with the bolt cutters, but the big ones are the concern.

I think the answer is a grinder. Use a hand grinder and a cutting wheel and start cutting a slot in the shank. You are going to throw some sparks, so just be aware and make sure the sparks go in a direction that won’t damage anything.

Once you cut through the shank, you will be able to twist the lock away from the severed shank to remove it. But be careful: it’s going to be hot.



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