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Toilet Refill Tube Can Cause Leak


toilet fill tubeAll kinds of things can go wrong inside of a toilet tank. Parts sitting in water all their lives decay and can even make weird noises. The most common parts that need replacing are the fill valve and the flapper.

The fill valve is a part that allows water to refill the tank. Water enters through the bottom of the tank, up through the fill valve. When the water reaches a pre-determined level in the tank, the water shuts off. While the tank is refilling, there is a refill tube that carries water to the overflow tube in the center of tank. This water flow allows for rinsing of the bowl as the tank refills.

If the skinny black refill tube cracks or comes off of the overflow tube, there could be problems. There is a good force of water that comes from this small tube and if it is pointed at the wrong spot, get ready to clean up some water. The first sign of a problem is going to be a hissing noise and water leaking from the top of the toilet tank. The water should eventually stop as the tank refills and the fill valve shuts off the water.

The fix is to either replace the small section of tubing, or if it is in good shape, place it securely onto the angle adapter, which sits on top of the overflow tube.



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