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Drywall Repair For "Nail Pops"


drywall repair nail popYou've probably seen areas in your drywall that have small areas standing proud of the surface. These areas are about the size of the head of a nail right? The official name of this phenomenon is called a "drywall nail pop". It is a drywall repair that you typically see them around stairs where the vibration of people moving on them causes slight movement. This vibration will work a nail out of the drywall and cause the head of it to "pop" out. This can be ugly, especially if you have an entire column of them popping out. Repairing them is actually pretty easy.

You first need to dig out the popped nail. I usually try to be as neat with this as possible since you will have to fill the hole that is left. Try digging out the nail head using a sharp utility knife to cut away the texture or drywall at the nail head. Then use pliers to grab the head and twist it back and forth to wiggle it free.

With the nail removed, screw a drywall screw above and below the nail location. I prefer course threaded drywall screws, 1 5/8" long installed one inch above and one inch below the nail's location. Push on the drywall as you screw them in. You want to screw them into the stud so the screw head ends up just below the surface of the drywall. If you can run a putty knife over the area and not hear a metal "clink", that's deep enough.

The rest is window dressing. Fill in the divots, float the area (if it's bad enough), texture if necessary, and paint it. The screws will hold far better that the nail. You can go here for details on drywall texturing.


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